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Premium Tank List

We know that you love to play World Of Tanks and we know that the skill of the player is important but sometimes is not enough, a Premium Tank or Gold Coins can make a difference. It is time for a boost!

We offer you

or a
  Premium Tank
 from the menu in the top of the page.

"The difference between losers and winners in life is the willing to take an massive action!"

To accept our offer you have to Share it (using the buttons from the right or the bottom of the page)  to other fellow comrades in arms and after to complete a simple survey at the end of which you will receive the Bonus Code.

To redeem your code you have to log into the main site and in the top right corner click on your username and select Activate Bonus Code.

See you on the battlefield !

We invite you to also check our giveaways for the following games:

World of Warplanes is a free-to-play flight combat massively multiplayer online action game by Wargaming, set in the Golden Age of military aviation.


World of Warships is a naval action-themed massively multiplayer online game produced by international game developer and publisher Wargaming headquartered in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Unified Premium Account

All Wargaming.net games are now unified using a "Unified Account System". Players who have World of Tanks or World of Warplanes account can share certain in game currencies, including Premium Time, Gold (in-game real money value currency) and Free Exp. Unified accounts share the same log in information: Email, and password that can be used in World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. A premium account provides 50% extra experience and credits for each battle creating a quicker way to boost crew training and upgrade through the tech tree.